Saturday, December 4, 2010


How should is say about Friends.. well a group of people that u need to stay happy and to cheer up your day.. the people who's not afraid to tell everybody else that u are his/her friends..

  • Thats Alma or known as amar. hes a good friend. Never stop helping people when they are in some sort of trouble. but ma seriously you're stupid! haha.. thanks for always being there for me man. i owe u a lot man. Alma's mother just past away, so now my mother and father adopt him and his sister. His now officially a member of the family. Owh! i forgot he does not have a father, which I can't explain to you guys. well Man I love him like a brother.


  • This is Rhoma Hakim. he's one of a kind. Smart, Hot tempered, Very Protective, and the best part is he is very SMALL!!.. so usually the girls would say 'Owh so cute!!'. the best thing about him is that, as a friend he plays the character very well.. 


  • Thats nazim. well known as Alek. damn nice friend. It's hard to find a friend like him these days thou. loyal and friendly. as a friend he sure is good in coming along with people around. not to mention family.. love u bro! btw his 3 yers older than me. :)

  • This is Syaheed Haiqal. he prefer us to call him Ayit. Soft kind of a person. Yet a good friend. We've been friends just about 4 to 5 month. Yet i see him as a very good friend. Always positive. Crazy about chubby girls. haha.. 

  • Thats Sadiq. tall and big. One thing i salute high about him is that he never forget his friends. if we were like lose contact for 1 month trust me he will call u and ask 'how are u or are u free tomorrow? lets hang out'. he may look like a nerd but trust me he's one hell of a fighter. don't ever test him. You're the best man!

Actually theres a lot more.. But if i describe all it would take me a week to finish it. I'll add more from time to time. For all my beloved Friends, I LOVE U ALL GUYS!! u guys are the best.. i cant imagine my life without u guys. peace out!!

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