Saturday, December 4, 2010


How should is say about Friends.. well a group of people that u need to stay happy and to cheer up your day.. the people who's not afraid to tell everybody else that u are his/her friends..

  • Thats Alma or known as amar. hes a good friend. Never stop helping people when they are in some sort of trouble. but ma seriously you're stupid! haha.. thanks for always being there for me man. i owe u a lot man. Alma's mother just past away, so now my mother and father adopt him and his sister. His now officially a member of the family. Owh! i forgot he does not have a father, which I can't explain to you guys. well Man I love him like a brother.


  • This is Rhoma Hakim. he's one of a kind. Smart, Hot tempered, Very Protective, and the best part is he is very SMALL!!.. so usually the girls would say 'Owh so cute!!'. the best thing about him is that, as a friend he plays the character very well.. 


  • Thats nazim. well known as Alek. damn nice friend. It's hard to find a friend like him these days thou. loyal and friendly. as a friend he sure is good in coming along with people around. not to mention family.. love u bro! btw his 3 yers older than me. :)

  • This is Syaheed Haiqal. he prefer us to call him Ayit. Soft kind of a person. Yet a good friend. We've been friends just about 4 to 5 month. Yet i see him as a very good friend. Always positive. Crazy about chubby girls. haha.. 

  • Thats Sadiq. tall and big. One thing i salute high about him is that he never forget his friends. if we were like lose contact for 1 month trust me he will call u and ask 'how are u or are u free tomorrow? lets hang out'. he may look like a nerd but trust me he's one hell of a fighter. don't ever test him. You're the best man!

Actually theres a lot more.. But if i describe all it would take me a week to finish it. I'll add more from time to time. For all my beloved Friends, I LOVE U ALL GUYS!! u guys are the best.. i cant imagine my life without u guys. peace out!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm a animal lover!!

How could a human do this to an animal... i also don't know why... cruel and stupid... mne sikap keperimanusiaan kau GILE!! shouldn't we be doing something about this cruelness.
look at this photos:

its like this people don't have a heart.
some people do it for their fur to make cloths and stuff.
i just have to say 1 thing for this kind of people STUPID!

Play the video on top and you'll see how cruel people are towards animals.. thou we Muslims can't touch or eat some animals, we still pity them.. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mi CorZon

Mi CoraZon
this is Mi coraZon (my heart)..

we met when i was working at Parkson KLCC. I work there as a promoter while waiting for my SPM results. after i work there for 2 month, i notice her by the escalator. from the moment i saw her i have fall in love with her. the way she work, walk, almost everything about her i adore. Even thou i liked her a lot, i was to scared to ask for her number. Than my friends at parkson told me to get her number no matter i was scared or not. because if i don't they would not talk to me forever and stuff. so i did ask for her number. at that time god only knows how my heart was like. i was like 'hhheeey ccccccccaaan i have yyyoour nnnnnnummmmber'. god i was like a geek asking for a woman to have sex with him. i felt so stupid but satisfied. at first she ask why? than i said for dinner. than all of the sudden she was silent. i felt guilty for making fun of her like that, so i said sorry and move on to the escalator to go to the second floor where my counter is. while on my way to the escalator suddenly she gave her number to me. god i was so happy, i felt like I've just got an angle for my bride. that how our story starts.

Our first date
that photo shows our first date. the morning of the day i waited for her at a restaurant. when she came i was like WOW!!. she was as beautiful as the shining stars. from that day forward i promise my self to take good care of her and always treasure her like a princess. now i'ts almost a year since we've been lovers.

I think i'm making this like my personal diary. Anyway the time i ask for her to be my GF:
we've just finished our lunch and we sat on a 3 persons chair in front of the Love Store in KLCC. at first we talked and tell jokes, than i asked for her hand i she gave me her hand i tell her that i liked her a lot and i want us to be more than friends. i said ' would you make me the most happiest man in the world by accepting me as your boyfriend?' she smiled and tell me that she will gave me the answer later. i felt so down because i think that she would never accept me as her BF. that after we went back to our counter she came at me and smiled. she said that wants be my GF more than anything. it was the greatest day ever. and my love for her is still as strong as that day i first loved her till now. and i hope it would last forever. 

i love u honey

About Me...

Owkey.. Actually i don't know where  to start. Lets begin from the start. My name is Muhammad Syakirin bin Jamil Hikal. Born on the 28th of july 1992. 5 siblings and i'm the second one. live in KL, ampang, taman cempaka. in a relationship with Siti Fadilah. i love her so much. I think that should be enough for now. Heres my sToRy. If i'm not mistaken i was about 2 or 3 years old when my mother Roslina binti Haji Membar continued her studies at the United States of America.

 Thats my lovely Mommy and Daddy (Jamil Hikal bin Abdul Razak). I love them so freaking damn much. I'm nothing without them. They've been supporting me in what i do. And i'm so grateful i have them right beside me. They were always there when i need them. Love u so much Mommy and Daddy.Illinois  was the home of my family back then. My beloved mother was continuing her studies for her Degree at The Universities Of Illinois. Yes it was home sweet home for me back then. God knows how much i miss those days. We traveled almost all of Chicago. And the most sweet memories that i can remember is when we went to Disney World (Disney World is much more bigger and enjoyable compare to Disney Land). It takes us about a week to finish playing & visit that place... Man!! it was a blast.. i sure do miss those days... After 3 years there we came back to Malaysia.. At first my head felt kind of weird because U.S and Malaysia are the opposite time. i wanted to go back. it doesn't felt like home. the place, the weather, the day, the people, the houses, vehicle. it was like going through hell. damn i hated this place. 
a couple of years later i started feeling like home again. than went to kindergarden, primary school (S.K.Desa Pandan), high school (S.M.K. Datok Lokman) and now KPMIM (Mara Professional Collage Indera Mahkota). Collage is a new world for me, it's like hell + heaven= hellven. The hell part is that u have to live and study far from home and deal with fucking shit kind of people. The heaven part is that u meet lost of new friends and some of them are relly cool and sporting. I love you guys!!!.  If i tell the whole story it'll be endless. well thats all for now. I'll add more from time to time.